Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Peg bag it is

Friday, 22 January 2010
Oooooh that's nice that is...
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Who'd have thought a delayed plane would be a good thing?
It's too late and too dark to take photos now, but will do toute suite and whack 'em up when I've got a mo. The big question though is, what to try next? Hmmm... a bit of reverse patch work methinks.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Zigazig Aaah
So in that spirit, I had a play with zig zagging, and zagging my zigs: widths and lengths and all sorts of exciting things seemed to happen and it made me have an idea to use for a cover. A sort of Medussa-esque zig zag explosion with a button in the middle that will be the closing device. I know I'm a bit nonsensical, I'm in the zone and you're just going to have to go with me on this one. It's going to ROCK. (But only if I get my hands on some interfacing, I think)
Buying useful sewing kit online
And The Magnificent Mum says it's the best place ever. It looks like it quite possibly could be. Until I get to actually step foot in it and have a good rummage (looking less likely due to some killer deadlines at the ole office) then I shall be rummaging on their lovely looking website instead. Macculloch & Wallis
I do hope they like beginners like me that ask inane and endless questions. If anyone has any other great London stores or UK online resources I'd love to know.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Sketch book cover
I doodle quite a lot. You know, worky stuff, ideas for things, lists of things to do (a virgo does love her lists) and so I have a lot of sketch books hanging about. Cheapy cheap ones from Cass Art, a quid a pop, A5, half decent paper, not too big to be overwhelming, you know the ones. But the covers get properly mashed up in my bag. So the dodgy table cloth stripe experiment found itself a purpose - a simple sketch book cover.
Not too bad. The next one I make may have a claspy closing type device and maybe even a pen holder inside. But boy, did those corners give me grief. Check them out, talk about novice. Typical me, I sort of went for it, had troubles, and then checked out the book of sewing afterwards when it was a tad too late. Ho hum. Lesson learnt. Or rather, not - not entirely sure I understand how to do them even now, mitred corners they're called, seemed like there was an awful of material to somehow conceal. Hmmm.
I have to say though, I do like the warped stripey thing that's going on.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
How it works

And so it begins
Found an old stripey table cloth in the back of the wardrobe (what on earth was I thinking when I bought it? It's, er, not my usual minimal style) and have started to play with folding and creating patterns. Suddenly the nasty old table cloth seems a tad more interesting. I'm quite into this folding (pleating?) business, tried it on a canvas here (staple-gun tastic) and maybe it's because Mum was so obsessed with Issey Miyake when I was younger... Still, liking what it's doing to the stripes. Nice.
The best Christmas present I've ever received
So my darling Mum and HusWife Lukey bought me this little green beauty for Christmas after a casual conversation over some fine red wine one night in November. "I want to start making more stuff!" I declared. I've dabbled in a bit of craft malarky here and there; you know, made some cards, done a bit of "art", messed about with chairs, and played with fabric, but sort of always feel like there is more to do. And I'm so fed up with all the rubbish on Freeview that I want to get cracking on some projects that keep me gainfully occupied and fulfill my desire to make stuff that actually exists (12 years of being a digital designer takes its toll)
I have never paid much attention to sewing (despite Mum lecturing in fashion and constantly making stuff for people - gorgeous, beautiful and detailed pieces) and I haven't really got much clue as to where to start. But I have the desire, a copy of the Readers Digest Book of Sewing and having just spring cleaned the wardrobe, got some bits of material to play. Brace yourselves - lets go!