Sunday, 12 June 2011

My lovely dress

I went to the most wonderful civil partnership ceremony yesterday at the most beautiful location. It was one of those weddings where everything was just brilliant - the couple are totally perfect for each other and utterly charming, the guests all mingled and were bang up for it, the speeches were hilarious and warm, and there was plenty of the most excellent food, vino and entertainment. We had a fabulous time. And I wore my fabulous dress from Davina Hawthorne. She is awesome because: 1) She is incredibly talented, 2) She made my dress in record time and 3) She also sent me off-cuts so I could make a clutch bag to match.


I felt like a lady for the first time in a long time. Man, that sun was bright. I was squinting all day :-) Happy times with happy people. B-rilliant. Must remember to frock up more often.

1 comment:

  1. Blimmin gorgeous you foxy lady Em xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
