Sunday, 13 February 2011

A last push

Log cabin patchwork
This puppy has been lurking about since last summer. I've noticed that I go hell for leather on a project for a while, get it to a stage where I could nearly finish it, and then stop. I made 32 blocks ages ago but finally got round to piecing them all together. With all the left over material, I've made a backing that's totally random (but failed to photograph it whilst there was still light) and I think I might love the backing more than the front. Hey ho. Anyhoo, the utterly terrifying bit comes next. I've never actually quilted anything properly before so heaven knows how it's all going to turn out. I'm also unsure how to quilt it - just use long rows of stitching one way or the other? Or in both directions? Or go round and round the log cabins? I think the fear is going to prevent me from getting any further for a little while...please, if you have any advice, don't hold back!

Log cabin patchwork


  1. I love the quilt. If you haven't quilted "properly" before....get going. Practice. practice. practice.!!! That's my only advice.

  2. Thanks Beth. I know I should just go for it, but it's just so enormous it feels like wrestling with a beast! I'll let you know how I get on :-)
