Sunday, 27 February 2011

The need for a walking foot has become very apparent

Swallowed all my fear and went for it. Holy cow, wrestling all this material through my machine was an experience. I donned The HusWife's cycling gloves (nice rubber bits on the finger pads to ease the material through) and spent a very sweaty evening trying to quilt this puppy. I ended up simply sewing each block as I couldn't face the trauma of any more as there was untold pulling and shifting of material. Much swearing and anxiousness, I tell you. I'd hand basted of course, and then The Magnificent Mum (and the internet) told me that using those curved safety pins was the way to baste. NOW YOU TELL ME! Anyhoo, hand stitched the binding and actually, it looks ok, but is not going to win any awards. It's for my goddaughter as her pressy for her christening and thus I think she'll forgive me. I've got til she gets married in approx 25 years to master the quilting bit :-)

Second quilt, front

Second quilt, back


  1. you're going to master the "quilting bit" in no time!

  2. Oh Beth, I do hope so! Thank you for your support :-)

  3. holey camoley, that's one fat quilt! ooh, I'm sure she'll love it! wish I had a cuddle blanket like that!

  4. Yeah yaga, the thing that makes me laugh is that my goddaughter is only about a foot long at the moment, so she's going to have to do a lot of cuddling!
