Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Tote-ally going for it.

Sorry. I know. Couldn't resist.


Anyway, hot off the press are these simple little tote bags made from cottons that I have been hoarding for the longest time. I just thought it was high time I cut into them and stop feeling so precious. You know what it's like when you love fabric more than anything you can possibly describe - I just adore their cheeky ways! Previously, I've mostly used them for small bits of fussy cutting here and there - the insides of purses and kindle covers and what have you and I thought it was high time they had a chance to live loud and proud and show off their brilliance. Hurrah for saucepots and half naked cowboys and stylish cool cats!

Tote-ally Saucepot

Tote-ally Americana

Tote-ally Cowgirl

Tote-ally Coolcat

Tote-ally Cowboy

And I think this fabric combo is my favourite - I love the large, robust foliage against the delicate and subtle foliage. Lush.

Totes handle

Lovely creative stuff going on over at Our Creative Spaces via Kootooyoo


  1. Great totes - love the beefy cowboys & the cute cowgirls! I'm guilty of hoarding pretty fabrics that are 'too pretty' to cut into!

  2. I have never seen such fabric...they look great and I am sure will all make bold statements for those who sport them.

  3. I saw that cowboy fabric made into a hot water bottle cover a month or so ago. Your bags look terrific. You probably needed a stiff drink after cutting into them, but the finished pile of deliciousness would have made up for it!

  4. LOVE love love that fabric. Very brave of you cutting into it. :) They make cool totes.

  5. Thanks all! I have to remind myself that there will always be MORE cool fabric...happy sewing to all!

  6. Hi Jo, Thanks for you message a few weeks back. I've been a bit absent of late. The fete went really well thanks so I've got another couple lined up but for much later in the year. It was a real eye opener (even though it was only a teeny school fete) but fun all the same. I'm glad yours seemed to go well too. Loving those fabrics by the way. I agree - its great to see them in their full glory. k
