And out of everything I've made this month, I think it has brought me the most pleasure. Now I know it may not be to everyones taste but I love the scrappiness, the randomness, the inclusion of the pockets and it's wonky nature.
I did simple diagonal quilt lines (I think you can just make them out) and used a hodge podge of scraps for the binding.
I'm pretty chuffed with it and I think it'll be lovely to display on my stall. The big question I have though, is what if someone wants to buy it? How on earth do you price quilts? I have no idea how long it took as it was done in fits and starts and I had all the material bits and pieces already... It's about 150cm x 160cm and properly wonky. Help me please...what would you price it at??
You can check out other makes of the month over at the ever inspiring Lily's Quilts
Love the quilt - especially the wonky pockets. If someone offers to buy it think of a price - and then double it!